Busy day in Glen Brittle


Matt’s Report, Friday 4 March

There were plenty of walkers and picnickers out enjoying the spring weather in Coire na Creiche today. Conditions were idyllic by the fairy pools and it was almost tempting enough to have a quick swim under the arch. After considering this plan for at least a second Andy and I decided to stick to Plan A and go for a scramble. We went up Sgurr an Fheadain on the left hand spur, which is a nice grade 2 scramble with a short approach. Initially it all felt quite unfamiliar without the comfort of crampons and an axe but we soon got into a rhythm. The second half of the crest provides some great quality rough rock and we enjoyed popping onto the summit to see clear skies and sunshine. We also saw Brocken Spectre today, though this has been occurring so often on the ridge this winter it almost seemed common-place!

Nearing the summit, Brocken Spectre on the right.

Looking along the ridge connecting Sgurr an Fheadain to Bidein Druim nan Ramh