Joe’s back for yet another stint this season, despite the fact he’s now based in New Zealand!
With grandparents in Uist Joe stared across at the Cuillin for years in awe and working here is like a dream come true. This passion comes across to everyone who has been guided by him along with a calmness and reassurance of a man in “his domain” 😉
Early in life he discovered downhill mountain biking and ended up racing all over the world including world cup events in downhill and enduro. He set up own business doing mountain bike skills coaching in the Lake District.
At university in Liverpool he studied outdoor education and developed a bigger passion for climbing and completed his MCI assessment to allow him to become a freelance instructor. He sees his work on Skye as achieving a long term ambition with the Cullin being one of his favourite places in the world!
Rock routes: The Nose El Capitan, California. The Bishop Isles, Pabbay and Mingulay giving incredible adventurous climbs on the edge of Scotland are my favourite place to climb. North Wales classics Right Wall and Poetry Pink are historical and memorable routes. Completing all 12 Hard Rock routes in the Lake District with my friend Chris in 37hours a crazy sufferfest!
Winter routes: The 3 big ice routes on Aonach Beag in a day; Stand and Deliver, Kings Ransom & Royal Pardon
Skye: Anytime on Skye in perfect weather is unbeatable. The Cullin Ridge, Stairway to Heaven on Bla Bheinn and sailing into Loch Scavaig and up the Dubhs Ridge.
Food: Macaroni cheese with all the trimmings and extra cheese! Yum.
Tipple: Speyside Whisky and Any Blonde ale or IPA
Would love to: Explore space! Wow wouldn’t that be exciting!
Other hobbies/interests: Surfing, I’ve recently got into it and am loving the progression.