Tom’s back again for more Cuillin fun this Spring and his young family will be here with him too. Really obliged that Tom squeezes his weeks on Skye as life inevitably gets more hectic.
Tom started rock climbing in the Lake District whilst at University. He first came to the Cuillin in 2010, where he ran the Cuillin Ridge ‘in about six hours’!
“I’m a keen rock climber, fell runner and mountaineer. I’ve been trying to work my way through the Alpine 4000’s, I’m around half way through them. I love spending nights out in the mountains, always looking to find the best Alpine winter rooms or bivvy huts.” Skye and the Cuillin have become my favourite UK destination. I love spending time up on the Ridge.
Favourite climbs-
Skye- Anything on Cioch Buttress
Alpine memorable- Tronche Ridge into a traverse of the Grand Jorasses. Very long, loose, scary at times and enjoyable when finished!
Alpine fun- Hassler Rib, then an amazing ski off the top
Book- Century Trilogy- Ken Follett
Whisky- Still new to it, but trying to buy a bottle every time I’m in Scotland
Hi Tom, Many thanks again for taking care of me last week and helping me achieve what I set out to do . I certainly could never have climbed any of the ridge without you . I had 100% trust in you and your attention to detail was a great confidence booster to me . I will always be in your debt . Part of me never wants to go back to the Cuillin Ridge but part of me would climb the In Pinn tomorrow because i would enjoy it more second time around. WM 2019