Sensational Traverse conditions 8/9 July

Summer finaly reached Skye on Sunday; perfect timing to warm up and practice on Clach Glas & Bla Bheinn. No excuses not to head straight for our Traverse attempt next day.
AquaXplore ran us straight in on the RIB for a very humid but shady ascent to Gars-bheinn. The mists were our friend, keeping us cool all day as far as the TD Gap.
We climbed it in glorious sunshine but bivvied back just before it to take in the evening sun.
A 4am start, extended photofest and breakfast had us finally climbing onto Alasdair just after 5-30.
Slightly greasy as far as the Pinn then dry rock for the rest of the day. Bidean and Naismiths were day 2 highlights before popping out above the clouds to finish on Gillean with just the Pinn showing in the distance.
Pure magic- enjoy